Artistic and Visual Research Projects

Hi, I’m Paolo.

Actor and visual artist from Italy.

I was born and raised in the Langhe region, a land of nature, sunsets and peasant poetry. I started taking photographs from a very young age with the desire to observe the world from ever new perspectives and to bring hidden details to the foreground.

The moving image was the first way I discovered to tell stories, until I met the Theater.


A collection of works in which I had roles in all the production’s stages, from design, to shooting, to post-production.

L’Essenziale – Short Film

Client: Italian Institute of Culture Tokyo

Ricorda con Rabbia – Extended Trailer

Client: Jam Session Project – Matteo Alì

Levels Up – Short Film

Client: PSG Talon Esports Hong Kong

The Phoenix – Trailer/Backstage

Client: Andrea Cerrato – Le Cirque World Top Performers

Lucido/Dio Pluto – Teaser

Client: Progetto U.R.T. – Jurij Ferrini

PiBOLD Photography

Another big part of my research as a visual artist is photography. In the last few years I have been carrying out a portrait photography project for actors and performers in collaboration with Maria Rita Lo Destro, developing a shooting concept that results as an experience that has many features in common with a theater workshop.

During the shooting we use different tools including a musical path that leads the subject to leave all physical and mental resistance to arrive at a neutral presence ready to be colored with the many emotional nuances of the music.